التطرف الفكري الديني مقاربة قرآنية تربوية في المفهوم، والمظاهر، والأسباب، والمعالجات


  • محمد كاظم الفتلاوي




Religious extremism, the Quranic educational approach, causes


Extremism in religious thought is one of the issues that Islam did not approve of in its teachings, and it is an intruder that resulted from the wrong understanding of the legal texts (the Book and the Sunnah) by some of the educated half and their ignorance of the general principles of the tolerant Sharia. The research plan consisted of four axes, the first axis was about the concept of religious intellectual extremism, the second axis was the signs of intellectual extremism, the third axis was about the reasons for the emergence of religious intellectual extremism, the fourth axis was about treatments for religious intellectual extremism, and a conclusion included the most important results and a list of sources.


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How to Cite

الفتلاوي م. ك. (2024). التطرف الفكري الديني مقاربة قرآنية تربوية في المفهوم، والمظاهر، والأسباب، والمعالجات. Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences, 3(4), 159–197. https://doi.org/10.56924/tasnim.10.2024/9