About the Journal

First: General Guidelines

1-   All inquiries and submissions should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief on the email tasnim.ijhs@gmail.com

2-   Tasnim accepts original research articles in (Arabic, English, French, Kurdish, and Persian), and have not been published or under consideration for publication in another journal. Furthermore, article retraction is not allowed only with a permit from the Editor-in-Chief.

3-   Tasnim publishes conference proceedings, seminars and academic activities that are related to the journal’s subjects of interest.

4-   A special issue is published under a single title that is related to the journal’s subjects.

Second: Submission Guidelines

  1. All research papers should be submitted according to the journal's template available on the official website of the journal or by contacting WhatsApp at the number (Lebanon office 0096176856645 - Iraq office 009647810173931).
  2. Research papers should be submitted in print on the computer using Word 2007 or later, with a commitment to the font type (Simplified Arabic or Times New Roman) and font size (Size 14). The line spacing should be 1 cm, with the total number of pages not exceeding 20, well-organized, and carefully reviewed. Page numbering should be sequential, including tables, figures, and appendices.
  3. The researcher should mention their name, workplace, and email address, attach a photo with a white background, state their academic degree and certificate, and attach their academic CV, as well as for participating researchers if the research is collaborative.
  4. The research abstract should be attached in both Arabic and English (if the research is in Arabic), or in English and Arabic (if the research is in English), or in English and French (if the research is in French), or in English and Kurdish (if the research is in Kurdish), or in English and Persian (if the research is in Persian).
  5. Tables, images, figures, and charts should be included within the research text, and their titles should be mentioned at the top of each figure.
  6. The researcher should pay the publication fees, amounting to $100 USD for publishing the research in the journal's issues and $25 USD if the researcher requests the journal format the research. An additional fee of $2.5 USD per extra page will be added.
  7. Sources should be documented within the text in the following format: (author's name, year of publication: page number).
  8. Sources should be documented at the end of the research, and the APA citation system should be adopted as follows:
    • For books: the author's last name or nickname, followed by their first name. (year of publication). Title of the book. Edition. Publisher. Place of publication.
    • For research and articles published in journals: Author's last name, followed by their first name. (year of publication). The title of the research in quotation marks. Journal name: volume, issue, if any. Pages.
    • For unpublished theses and dissertations: the researcher's last name, followed by their first name. (Year). Title of the thesis. College, University. Country of publication. The thesis title should be written in quotation marks.
    • For online articles or articles on the internet: Author's last name or nickname, their first name, (Year of publication). "Article Title", Website, written underneath.
  9. The font type should be Simplified Arabic, with a font size of 14 and a line spacing of 1 cm.

Third: Permissions and Terms

  1. The researcher will be contacted and informed of the acceptance or rejection of the research for publication within one month from the date of receiving the research after it has been reviewed by three referees selected by the Editor-in-Chief confidentially without mentioning the researcher's name during the review process. If there are any formal or substantial modifications required, the researcher will be informed by the journal.
  2. In case of any linguistic errors in the research, the research will be returned to the researcher for linguistic and grammatical proofreading before publication.
  3. All opinions expressed in the research represent the scientific and personal views of the researcher and do not necessarily reflect the orientations and opinions of the journal.
  4. The researcher provides a written undertaking stating:
  • That the research has not been taken from a thesis or a university dissertation that does not belong to him/her.
  • That all participating researchers have their intellectual and research rights in the research.
  • Non-objection of the participating researchers, if any, to the publication of the research in (Tasnim International Journal of Human, Social, and Legal Sciences).
  • That the research does not infringe upon the rights of social categories, sects, denominations, and minority groups.
  • The percentage of research extraction does not exceed 20%. The journal will contact the researcher if the percentage exceeds the specified limit.
  • That the research has not been previously published or submitted to any other journal for publication.
  • That the intellectual and research ownership belongs to the researcher and the participating researchers (if any).
  • That the researcher bears legal accountability in case of any scientific theft.
  • That all opinions expressed in the research are scientific and personal and belong to the researcher, and do not represent the positions and opinions of the journal.
  • Not to claim processing or publication fees after receiving acceptance for publication, or to withdraw the research after publication, or to have the research rejected by the reviewers.
  • That the researcher has read and complies with the publication terms and guidelines.

Note: The copyright can be printed from the journal’s website, filled out, signed and submitted in pdf format with the research manuscript.