Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences 2024-09-28T16:34:07+00:00 Prof. Dr. Wesam Ahmed Al-Mutairi Open Journal Systems <p> Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences is an open access journal, devoted to publish original research and theoretical studies and review papers that substantially contribute to the understanding of pedagogical, human, social and legal sciences.</p> <p> </p> Cultivation, trade and abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances in Morocco 2024-09-15T21:49:49+00:00 Anass Bousselam <p>The research explains - initially - the historical context of the cultivation and trade of drugs and psychotropic substances in Morocco, then it clarifies the reality of this cultivation and trade, as well as the reality of drug abuse and psychotropic substances in this country, and finally it explains the factors that explain this phenomenon<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences تداوليّة الرسومات الثوريّة في شعارات ناجي العلي (لسانيّات خطابيّة للطبقات الشعبيّة) 2024-09-15T21:55:34+00:00 محمد خليل حمادي <p>Depuis ses débuts, la pragmatique s'appuie sur le principe de briser les frontières et d'éliminer les obstacles entre toutes les spécialisations humaines. De ce point de vue, cette recherche a trouvé un débouché pour poursuivre la démarche du caricaturiste Naji Al-Ali, de manière pragmatique, c'est-à-dire en interrogeant son langage caché, à travers ses dessins, et le reproduire dans un discours influent sur les peuples destinataires. On a vu dans les œuvres de Naji Al-Ali un discours populaire, c’est-à-dire qui tire sa légitimité et son extension des classes populaires : cela signifie-t-il une rupture totale avec les régimes ? Ou diriger des parts de critiques et de déceptions ? Quel rôle joue la pragmatique et quelle place occupe le discours dans cette situation ? Il s’agissait d’une étude innovante dans la voie de la pragmatique et de la linguistique rhétorique.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences تقييم كفاءة الاداء لشركة الكندي لإنتاج اللقاحات والادوية البيطرية للمدة (2021-2022) (دراسة تقويمية و تحليلية) 2024-09-15T22:04:23+00:00 حنان عبد الخضر هاشم الموسوي عماد عبد الهادي جودة <p>The vaccine and veterinary medicine industry is considered one of the important industries in the world. It also plays an important role in reviving the national economy and achieving food security for citizens by preserving livestock in any country in the world. The availability and accessibility of effective vaccines is vital and important to combat many animal diseases and prevent their spread<strong>،</strong> some of which can also spread to humans. Which causes harm and harm to society and the economy. Iraq is one of the countries that seeks to grow and protect its livestock because of its major role in achieving food security and reviving the local industry through Manufacture of vaccines and animal medicines and food industries that can contribute to the revitalization and growth of the local economy like other industries<strong>،</strong> so great importance must be given. for these industries.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences جماليات الشكل التراثي المعماري في الخزف العراقي المعاصر 2024-09-15T22:12:35+00:00 حسين علي محمد الخفاجي <p>This research means studying the architectural heritage<strong>،</strong> and there is no doubt that the architectural heritage is one of the most important elements that contribute to the cohesion of the nation and build its entity<strong>،</strong> and that the experiences of peoples and the dates of their renaissance emphasize the necessity of reaching the present in the past through antiquities and data<strong>،</strong> and in terms of reviving the most wonderful past to present to the present the magnificence of the example And beauty<strong>،</strong> just as it renews in those with individuals those incentives and energies that created the glory of yesterday and detonated his creative powers with what he ended in the first place<strong>،</strong> and the importance of this topic and the aesthetic and intellectual dimensions that are specialized in the subject of architectural heritage<strong>.</strong> This research studied (the aesthetics of the architectural heritage form in contemporary Iraqi ceramics)<strong>،</strong> which is located in four chapters<strong>،</strong> the first chapter included a presentation of the problem of research<strong>،</strong> importance<strong>،</strong> goal<strong>،</strong> research limits and definition of terms<strong>.</strong> As for the second chapter<strong>،</strong> it was represented by the theoretical framework<strong>،</strong> including three investigations<strong>،</strong> as well as concluded the theoretical framework with a set of indicators<strong>.</strong> As for the third chapter<strong>،</strong> it dealt with the research procedures<strong>،</strong> which included identifying the research community and choosing an extensive research sample (5) as a model<strong>،</strong> then the research tool<strong>.</strong> As for the fourth chapter<strong>،</strong> he took the results of the search and its conclusions<strong>،</strong> and the most important of them: 1<strong>- </strong>The contemporary Iraqi cabinet seeks from its beginnings to find artistic visions according to an artistic style of a pure Iraqi nature<strong>،</strong> and this led the porcelain to resort to the inspiration of their symbolic vocabulary that belongs to the arts of ancient Iraqi civilizations<strong>،</strong> and to the Islamic civilization<strong>،</strong> all of what they did and achieved in the style of a boy is nothing but a newborn This mating between heritage and contemporary<strong>،</strong> and this is what was shown in all sample models<strong>.</strong> As for the most important conclusions: 1-That the aesthetic generated in the heritage forms of architectural in the Iraqi ceramics with its difference<strong>،</strong> and the difference in its intellectual<strong>،</strong> environmental<strong>،</strong> social<strong>،</strong> and artistic reference<strong>،</strong> was characterized by the beauty that approaches the example and not the relative to stop these reasons<strong>،</strong> which made the sense of it ideal as well.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences تعزيز الخِطَابُ الدِيِنيَ المُعتَدِلّ ونبذ الفكر المتطرف 2024-09-15T22:22:19+00:00 مروة عادل هاشم سالم <p>Religious discourse is a message with intellectual, religious and social conten that has its own goals and implications affecting human thought ; lt should not be traditional, but rather it should be a discourse that keeps pace with all the latest developments that affect individuals with a positive impact ; Moderate religious discourse is the best work ; lt is the main pillar for conveying to people the religion of God Almighty with wisdom and beautiful preaching ; It delivers a message that has its implications and importance in the lslamic call, but some Muslims today lack this pillar by which to preserve their lives, the dignity of their religion, and the stability of their societies ; Therefore, religious discourse seeks to achieve righteousness and stability in societies ; lt is a call to preaching, advising, guiding, and disseminating good values for society, lt is a preacher to every heedless person and an educator to every ignorant person ; lt urges them to adhere to good values, call to good morals, enjoin good and forbid evil, and follow the moderate approach, which, is the basis, ln the stability of societies, what distinguishes religious discourse is its connection to a person's beliefs and the moral value that wove his behavior, Moderate religious discourse calls for moderation because its authority is the Holy Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah of the prophet, and its limited role in spreading values and even consolidating them among those who dominate religious discourse, Talking about it has become an urgent necessity in our societies, especially after the events and disturbances that have afflicted our nation ; To enhance the desired societal peace and integrated values and principles, which nations seek and make great and invaluable efforts to achieve.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences الإمامة الإلهية وضرورة العقل 2024-09-15T22:28:47+00:00 AYAD NAEEM MAJEED <p>The divine Imamate is rational necessity and divine kindness, and this kindness does not contradict the wrap up prophecy; Because the earth, according to mental and legal evidence, must not be devoid of proof, and the proof is that if he is a prophet, then he is either the owner of a new religion or not, and the second works to support and confirm the religion of those who came before, and also works to support and confirm what the mind has arrived at based on what the predecessors came up with. He also works to explain that previous religion and explain its meanings and facts, and be a good process example in the following of the previous religion. The Shiites are the ones who believe in this opinion and confirm that the pure Imams, led by the lord of the monotheists, Ali (peace be upon him) are the ones who worked to support and confirm the Islamic religion brought by the Final Prophet (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace), and they also worked to support and confirm What the mind reached based on what the Final Prophet brought, and they also worked to interpret the Islamic religion and explain its meanings and truths, and they were a good practical example in the following of the Islamic religion. Among the most important features of the Divine Imam: his appointment by God Almighty, his secular knowledge, infallibility, dignity, and formative, moral, and legislative authority. And to be the highest practical and moral model for guiding humanity. And to work to preserve the religion from distortion. And he should head the people and leads them politically, socially, and economically, and judges among them, and establishes the limits set by God. The need for the presence of the divine Imam is to confirm the rational necessity for the existence of a cause connected between earth and heaven to guide people and achieve their happiness by bringing them to the purpose for which they were created.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences التوظيف السياسي لمفهوم الكفر عند الجماعات المتطرفة- قراءة نقدية في ضوء القرآن الكريم والسنة المطهّرة 2024-09-15T22:37:46+00:00 ساجد صباح ميّس العسكري سجاد هادي صاحب العنبكي <p>Atonement is one of the important jurisprudential and doctrinal topics, and it has taken up a large area of writings by those interested in the two fields, and many seminars and conferences have been held for this purpose, due to the jurisprudential and doctrinal issues that it entails. very dangerous It threatens the entity and stability of society, and destroys the walls of peaceful coexistence, destroying what was built and restored before Reformers over time<strong>.</strong> The research entitled (The Political Employment of the Concept of Disbelief among Extremist Groups); To show the problem of not distinguishing between establishment and employment. The Holy Qur’an and the Noble Sunnah did not establish the killing of the infidel, but rather they established the foundations for peaceful coexistence<strong>.</strong> With the other, but the problem lies in employing the concept of disbelief politically to be an oppressive tool in the hands of extremist groups<strong>.</strong> The research was divided into two sections. The first: a theoretical study on the concept of disbelief points. He discussed the definition of disbelief and its control in language, Quranic usage, and jurisprudential terminology<strong>.</strong> Second: Methods of political exploitation of the concept of disbelief<strong>.</strong> Among the most important of these methods: not distinguishing between disbelief in the specific sense and disbelief in the more general sense, and relying on weak hadiths and wrong interpretation of noble texts. We have made an effort to clarify this problem, and if we succeed in doing so, praise be to God first and last, even if there is a deficiency or defect in it<strong>.</strong> This is one of the characteristics of the possible, so we ask you for an excuse. May God grant us success in all goodness and righteousness.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences المؤسسات الدينية ودورها في تطور التشريعات القانونية (التلقيح الاصطناعي مع التبرع بالحيوانات المنوية أنموذجــاً) 2024-09-15T22:45:59+00:00 اكرم حياوي طعمة علي عبد الصاحب عبد الحسن <p>Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for [one's] hope. (Surah Al-Kahf 46). Since humans are inherently inclined to love children and consider them a necessary complement to the beauty and adornment of the world, we can observe this through the request made by some prophets, such as Prophet Zakariah (peace be upon him), who supplicated to the Almighty, asking for righteous offspring. The occurrence of legitimate marital relations (marriage) is followed by reproduction. However, there can be reasons between spouses that hinder their ability to conceive, such as infertility or the inability to conceive due to weak sperm. Since Islam is considered a comprehensive religion that cares about all aspects of human life, including matters related to infertility and its treatment, Islamic teachings allow for the search for solutions and treatments for infertility as long as they are permissible and compliant with religious rulings and moral values. The field of medicine has witnessed significant advancements in the treatment of infertility and providing care for patients Those who are unable to conceive naturally often explore the role of religious institutions in developing legal regulations, particularly regarding issues such as artificial insemination and sperm donation. The research investigates the extent to which religious institutions contribute to the development of legal legislation in these modern methods of reproduction and the preservation of family unity, while also highlighting the stance of Islamic law on the use of these contemporary means of reproduction and maintaining family cohesion.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences التطرف الفكري الديني مقاربة قرآنية تربوية في المفهوم، والمظاهر، والأسباب، والمعالجات 2024-09-15T22:52:50+00:00 محمد كاظم الفتلاوي <p>Extremism in religious thought is one of the issues that Islam did not approve of in its teachings, and it is an intruder that resulted from the wrong understanding of the legal texts (the Book and the Sunnah) by some of the educated half and their ignorance of the general principles of the tolerant Sharia<strong>.</strong> The research plan consisted of four axes, the first axis was about the concept of religious intellectual extremism, the second axis was the signs of intellectual extremism, the third axis was about the reasons for the emergence of religious intellectual extremism, the fourth axis was about treatments for religious intellectual extremism, and a conclusion included the most important results and a list of sources.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences استنباط الحكم الشرعي بدلالة علم الصّرف إذن الولي بالنكاح انموذجًا 2024-09-15T23:00:30+00:00 Naser Hadi Naser Al-Helo <p>The Holy Qur'an was, is and will remain a rich treasure a rich receptacle of ruling<strong>,</strong> sciences, and knowledge. one of the evidence its greatness and immortality is its keep pace with time and its extraordinary ability to renew its reading in an effort to discover its treasures. And because it was relevant in a clear Arabic language ((We have a sent it down as Arabic Qur'an they you may understand)), it is necessary to delve deeply and delve in to knowledge, and arts to that one can reach its hidden secret. the Qur'an. Working with explaining Qur'anic knowledge more than one Muslim scholar has pointed out the requirement of specializing in Arabic sciences, including grammar, morphology, rhetoric, and others. The study in the hands of the honorable read is serious attempt to benefit from the sciences of morphology, as one of the chapter of reveling the legal ruling in the Qur'anic discourse, and its has shed light on the issue of specific matters related to the issue of the guardian's permission for marriage<strong>.</strong> I ask God almighty to accepts it with goodness. He is the best lord and the best helper, and our last supplication is that praise be to God, lord of the worlds.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences حكم الشريعة الإسلامية في التلقيح الصناعي 2024-09-15T23:07:06+00:00 سناء لطيف عبد الرزاق الخرسان <p>In language, "insemination" is derived from the root "laqah," and "insemination" is a term taken from the fluid of male camels and horses. The people inseminated the camels and they were inseminated, and it is said that they inseminated the date palms by taking a branch from the male and inserting it into the heart of the date palm's flower. In medical terminology, insemination is defined as the meeting of the sperm with the egg, or the fusion of the female egg's nucleus with the male sperm's nucleus, resulting in their union. In some cases, it is necessary to inject the sperm into the female reproductive system in a manner other than sexual intercourse, known as "artificial insemination." Such cases include when the husband suffers from erectile dysfunction, when he has premature ejaculation, or when he experiences retrograde ejaculation, meaning that his sperm flows back into the urinary tract, damaging the sperm due to the acidity of the urine. Among them is whether highly acidic vaginal secretions damage sperm before reaching the fallopian tube, and whether the vagina is narrow due to a tumor or other reasons that prevent penetration.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences منهج الفهم الفقهي الإبستيمي عند ابن رشد الحفيد 2024-09-15T23:13:07+00:00 رزاق مخور داود الغراوي <p>The current research aims to clarify and understand the epistemic approach and present Ibn Rushd al-Hafid (the grandson) methodology and his epistemic method in understanding jurisprudence and its rulings. In addition, it presents the importance of the epistemic method according to Ibn Rushd al-Hafid (the grandson), and its impact on the development of scientific methods used in understanding jurisprudence<strong>.</strong> Using the analytical method and the deductive method<strong>.</strong> The research reached results, the most important of which are: The divisions and arrangements used by Ibn Rushd al-Hafid (the grandson) in his book "The Beginning of the Mujtahid and the End of al-Muqtasid" are characterized by the sublime organization and unity of the methodological context, and the approach to jurisprudential understanding according to Ibn Rushd al-Hafid(the grandson) is also characterized by the ethical and literary style in all sections of jurisprudence<strong>.</strong> Ibn Rushd also invested his philosophical knowledge in understanding the secrets of the Sharia, and then worked to renew its formulation, and proved the possibility of benefiting from a form that does not affect the Islamic content. Despite “his use of his knowledge in philosophy, especially in its moral aspect, he remained faithful to the purposes of the Sharia by adopting the inductive approach to its texts, so he filled those Learned templates with legal implications.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences الحجاج البلاغي في سورة مريم 2024-09-15T23:20:23+00:00 فاطمة عبد زيد شوين الخزاعي <p>In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. Praise be to God, the first without another after him, whom the eyes of the beholders fail to see, and the delusions of the descriptors fail to describe him, and may God’s blessings be upon Muhammad and his pure household and his chosen companions<strong>.</strong> As for after<strong>...</strong> In this research, we seek to trace the arguments that appear in Surat Maryam, and to come across the most prominent persuasion therein; The arguments of the infidels and the enemies of Mary, and the Qur’anic text is full of irrefutable rhetorical arguments that cannot be answered by the flimsy arguments of the infidels<strong>.</strong> According to the foregoing, the research section deals with the argumentative discourse in Surat Maryam, and the second topic is the argumentative rhetoric.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences The importance and role of religion in achieving social peace 2024-09-15T23:33:07+00:00 فاضل عبد العباس محمد <p>Undoubtedly, the only religion that did not confine its speech to a specific nation, but rather addressed all people, is Islam, which came to complement the call of all the prophets, and with its perfection and completeness the revelation of heaven was interrupted, and this means the completeness of its thought and its harmony with life in every time and place, as it is inconceivable that God would be pleased with it. It is a religion for all servants and leaves it incomplete so that humans can complete it. The basis of this religion is the Holy Qur’an and the purified Sunnah, with which its beliefs and principles were established, and from which its rules and rulings were derived, and to which Muslims refer in every matter of their religious and worldly affairs<strong>.</strong> In order to ensure the achievement of a decent and just life for all, there must be a social system that strives to alleviate injustice on the (social, economic and political) levels. Because he is the one who makes the cohesive social body that seeks to reach its civilized aspirations, according to a set of principles that allow all social segments and groups to coexist socially with the existing differences in viewpoints and differences in ideas and positions<strong>.</strong> The aim of the research is to demonstrate the importance and role of religion in achieving societal peace among the spectra and components of society, according to the hypothesis that the failure to achieve societal peace among the spectra of the same society is the politicization of religion and the predominance of factional and sectarian interests.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences في شروط اللا تسامح - والاعتدال المانع للتطرف وإرهابه 2024-09-15T23:37:38+00:00 رائد عبيس رملة خضير مظلوم <p>In this research entitled (On the Conditions of Intolerance and Moderation that Prevent Extremism and Its Terrorism), we talked about a number of types of intolerance that crystallize in the behaviors of individuals and groups in various and numerous ways and methods. We mentioned in this study a number of types of intolerance that oppose moderation and help in the growth of extremism and its terrorism in the form of individual motives or projects of rule, domination, control and politics, as Al-Qaeda and ISIS did in Iraq and the region<strong>.</strong> We reviewed these types with explanation and comparison with what helps in their growth and alerting them societally and individually amidst factors that enhance the growth of these intolerant behaviors in various societal circles, whether official or social. Which became clear from them are long-term motives in various political, military, colonial and economic employments<strong>.</strong> It began to work against rational efforts that push for the dissemination of a culture of moderation, acceptance and peaceful coexistence among members of one society and neighboring societies regionally and even internationally within the international peace projects called for by moderate and tolerant social circles to the extent that they preserve security, safety, dignity and rights. The goal is completed by the proposed projects and initiatives in a culture of peace and moderation, through awareness of the dangers of intolerance, intemperance and crisis-ridden extremism that arise from multidimensional psychological motives. As well as sound rational education that rejects the thought of extremism and intolerance of others, as well as religious education based on the principles of love, acceptance and respect for others. The most important thing is teaching tolerant human values that must prevail among human beings.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences التفسير بالرأي بين القبول والرفض 2024-09-15T23:42:37+00:00 إيمان طالب عبدزيد بنّاي الموسوي <p>The study aims to reveal one of the important types of interpretation, which is interpretation by opinion, and to study the difference in terms of accepting and rejecting this type of interpretation, by making use of the specific rules adopted by scholars and the evidence on which they relied. The study concluded that the sanctity of the Qur’anic text does not mean canceling the role of Reason in interpretation and investigation of purposes. In addition, it is not possible to drag Qur’anic texts into misleading desires that support a certain doctrine, as they take the text into its arena and distance it from its original purposes. The Islamic doctrine derived from the text must be framed with protective factors so that different eyes do not slide into reversing its limited sectarian identity on the absolute infallible text. Despite the existence of orders to prevent interpretation by opinion, some commentators have used this type, and up to the present time we notice those who support it strongly, and it is possible Dealing with this by acquiring the cognitive culture of interpretation, and I addressed this in the research through a preface in explaining the truth of interpretation by opinion, and then followed it with three axes: The first axis deals with the interpretive trends and their multiplicity and the difference in the prohibition and permissibility of interpretation by opinion. The second axis talks about the culture of the interpreter and his goals and their impact on interpretation by opinion. The third axis relates to the opinions of scholars on the relationship between interpretation by opinion and interpretation by ijtihad. The researcher will attempt to clarify these axes and their related details through extrapolation. Analyzing the opinions found in books of interpretation and obtaining results explaining the reasons for its rejection and acceptance.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences الحوار الديني ودوره في السلم الاجتماعي في ضوء القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية 2024-09-15T23:47:31+00:00 قيصر كاظم عاجل الأسدي <p>Praise be to Allah<strong>،</strong> Lord of the Worlds<strong>،</strong> and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of prophets and messengers<strong>،</strong> Abu al-Qasim Muhammad<strong>،</strong> and upon his pure and immaculate family<strong>:</strong> The issue of religions and sects has played a pivotal and decisive role throughout history in building and integrating human societies. The roots of man's desire and inclination to worship the Creator go back to the truth of the innate nature inherent in the nature of this being<strong>،</strong> which made him worthy of the blessing of guidance that God Almighty bestowed upon the children of Adam through the heavenly laws that provide man with all the components of a sublime and ideal life<strong>.</strong> Therefore<strong>،</strong> the chains of prophecy continued over time<strong>،</strong> and the messengers came one after the other<strong>،</strong> in harmony with the maturity and perfection of humanity<strong>،</strong> until God Almighty sent His chosen Prophet (may God bless him and his family) as the Seal of the Prophets<strong>،</strong> and God Almighty legislated the religion of Islam as the essence of all the religions and laws that preceded it<strong>.</strong> Most of the heavenly religions and laws have faced great challenges throughout their history; As different groups and sects emerged within the framework of each one of them<strong>،</strong> the sects and religions diversified with the diversity of religions and laws<strong>،</strong> and a state of religious and sectarian pluralism emerged<strong>.</strong> The cognitive concept of pluralism in the religious and sectarian fields indicates that religions and sects<strong>،</strong> despite their diversity<strong>،</strong> guide their followers to one goal<strong>،</strong> and take different directions from each other to reach one goal<strong>.</strong> Naturally<strong>،</strong> this pluralism is not without common areas and dividing gaps at the same time<strong>،</strong> between the multiple readings and diverse efforts within the framework of one religion<strong>،</strong> or what is called (sectarianism)<strong>.</strong> As for the common denominators and points of agreement<strong>،</strong> focusing on them leads to rapprochement between those sects<strong>،</strong> and thus: achieving unity<strong>،</strong> and in contrast<strong>،</strong> emphasizing the aspects of difference produces estrangement and discord<strong>،</strong> and then division and conflict<strong>.</strong> Here comes the role of the Islamic nation to decide its position and choose what it chooses from these two opposing paths<strong>،</strong> and adopt the method that leads it in one of the two directions. If it chooses the method of extremism<strong>،</strong> blind fanaticism<strong>،</strong> and hateful sectarianism<strong>،</strong> its word will be divided<strong>،</strong> its ranks will be scattered<strong>،</strong> and its forces will collapse. But if it focuses on the points of common agreement and brings its viewpoints closer and become harmonious<strong>،</strong> its unity will be reunited<strong>،</strong> its entity will be unified<strong>،</strong> and it will set out to restore its past glories. In this research<strong>،</strong> we shed light on one of the most influential approaches to sectarian rapprochement and unity of the Islamic nation<strong>،</strong> and the rejection of division and blind sectarianism<strong>،</strong> which is the approach of religious dialogue that our religion emphasizes through many texts<strong>،</strong> including the Almighty’s saying: {Those who listen to speech and follow the best of it - those are the ones whom Allah has guided<strong>،</strong> and those are the ones with understanding.} (Surat Az-Zumar<strong>،</strong> verse: 18) Therefore<strong>،</strong> the research came to include three demands<strong>،</strong> a conclusion<strong>،</strong> and research sources. The first demand was entitled the concept of religious dialogue<strong>،</strong> in which I explained the definition of dialogue and related terms<strong>،</strong> and the difference between them<strong>،</strong> and I also clarified the purpose of dialogue and its benefits. The second requirement was titled “Religious Dialogue and Its Importance in Social Peace in Light of the Holy Quran.” We relied on Quranic verses that emphasize the importance of dialogue in achieving social coexistence. The third requirement was titled “Religious Dialogue and Its Importance in Social Peace in Light of the Prophetic Sunnah.” We shed light on a number of hadiths narrated from the Prophet and his family (peace be upon them) in this regard.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences طاغور ودورة الفكري في الهند 2024-09-15T23:52:37+00:00 حنان محمود عبدالرحيم <p>Indian thought is replete with a rich and diverse heritage of long philosophical thought beyond more than two decades and the completion of the millennium, with many subscribers to the diverse faith and philosophy, and Tagore deserves to be one of the most important thinkers who had an impact on a specific situation of educational thought who succeeded in achieving change in some ideas and customs. By adhering to traditional education in India, the Hindi language was present as its main subjects in education, and influenced Tagore, one of India's most influential thinkers, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences القلق المستقبلي وعلاقته بتحصيل الطلبة في مادة طرائق التدريس العامة 2024-09-16T00:01:20+00:00 حذام جليل عباس انتصار كاظم خميس <p>The current research aims to identify the relationship of future anxiety to students’ achievement in the subject of general teaching methods. The two researchers adopted the descriptive approach, both analytical and correlational, to suit it for the purpose of the research and its objectives. The research community consisted of students (Department of History - Department of Arabic Language) in the College of Basic Education, University of Wasit. Its sample amounted to (350) male and female students were chosen randomly, with (160) male and (190) female students. The two researchers prepared a closed questionnaire as a research tool, which consisted of (30) items<strong>.</strong> It was applied to the target group after confirming its psychometric properties. The results of the statistical processing of the data revealed the presence of an average level of anxiety among the sample members and the presence of statistically significant differences in future anxiety between males and females and in favor of females, in addition to the existence of a correlation between anxiety and academic achievement, and accordingly it was concluded. The two researchers made a set of recommendations and proposed a number of proposals.</p> 2024-06-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences الاعجاز القرآني في ضوء المعطيات المعرفية المعاصرة 2024-09-16T00:07:13+00:00 محمد كاظم الفتلاوي نصير علي موسى شكر <p>The Qur’anic miracle is one of the important topics of Qur’anic sciences, as a number of issues depend on it. Therefore, this issue has been the subject of research and the focus of attention of scholars and researchers, as dozens of books and research have been written on this subject. These researches and studies varied in their contents. Some of them dealt with the rhetorical miracle, and some of them examined the scientific, numerical, and metaphysical miracles and other aspects of the Qur’anic miracle<strong>.</strong> In this research, the researcher attempts to highlight the “educational miracle,” which could be one of the contemporary aspects of the Qur’anic miracle, as all the educational theories developed by Western philosophers in the field of human education, through which they hoped to bring man to a state of psychological stability and spiritual transcendence, have failed, so today’s human being has returned. More worrying and turbulent, as educational theories have not succeeded in answering humanity’s greatest questions, and what is noticeable is that these theories conflict with each other and intersect, and what they adopted yesterday, they came today to refute, and this is what we see clearly in the West’s entry into the post-modern stage. On the contrary, we note that the educational contents of the Qur’an are consistent. It answers man's major universal questions, which gives man a state of tranquility, and he knows, and is even certain, where he came from, what his role is now, and where he is going.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences المنهج المعتدل في زمن النزاع بين الأخباريين والأصوليين الحرّ العامليّ اختياراً 2024-09-16T00:11:46+00:00 محمد باقر علي هاشم الهاشمي <p>One of the prominent features of conflicts at all levels and types is their direct reflection on the production and cognitive effort of the parties to the conflict. This is evident in a discourse that reflects the nature of the dispute in all its dimensions, avoiding objectivity in all its details, and at best not being fair to the other in it. In light of this prevailing atmosphere, there is no shortage of moderate discourse, despite its scarcity, which takes the path of objectivity, fairness, and respect for the other party to the conflict, and stays away from issues that do not relate to the core of the conflict, near or far<strong>.</strong> From this standpoint, this study was concerned with examining the outcomes of the dispute between the fundamentalists and the Akhbaris between the first and thirteenth centuries, and the resulting extremist discourse the likes of which the history of the Imamis had not witnessed. The matter reached the point of prohibiting some from touching the books of the other party, and the works witnessed the emergence of slander and slander against scholars without any basis or evidence. All of this falls into the category of extremism, which reflects actions and words at the same time<strong>.</strong> In its other part, the study also aimed to highlight the moderate discourse in the midst of this conflict by examining the personality of Sheikh Muhammad bin Al-Hassan bin Ali, known as (Al-Hurr Al-Amili), the owner of means, who was praised by the leadership of the Akhbaris at that time, and he was its greatest sheikh. Despite this, Al-Hurr Al-Amili was concerned only with scientific reality, and enjoyed a moderate discourse that is evident in<strong>: </strong>&nbsp;1<strong>- </strong>Relying on the cognitive dimension of the dispute, and citing fundamentalist opinions<strong>. </strong>&nbsp;2<strong> - </strong>His respect and reverence for scholars from the other side and his lack of slander and slander<strong>.</strong> The result of this moderate cognitive discourse was that Sheikh Al-Amili assumed a great position in jurisprudential research in ancient and modern times, and the words did not differ in his position and jurisprudence. His presence at that time constituted a turning point for an intellectual dispute regarding the tools of deduction that was shifted from its path and took an extreme face, so the moderate face was in it.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences التطرف أسبابه ودوافعه دراسة قرآنية 2024-09-16T00:16:38+00:00 سلام عبد الحسن مجيبل محمد رياض سلمان <p>تعد مشكلة التطرف من القضايا الرئيسية التي يهتم بها الكثير من المجتمعات المعاصرة، فهي قضية يومية حياتية، تمتد جذورها في التكوين الهيكلي للأفكار والمثل والأيديولوجية التي يرتضيها المجتمع. والتطرف يشمل الفكر من الناحية النظرية، وكذلك السلوك من الناحية العملية. وله أسبابه السياسية والدينية والاقتصادية وغيرها، وهذه الاسباب مجتمع ومنفردة تؤثر وتتأثر في وجود التطرف في المجتمع. ونظراً لنسبية حد الاعتدال، وتباينه من مجتمع لآخر، وفقاً لقيم وثقافة وعادات كل منها، فقد تعددت مفاهيم التطرف إلى حد جعل من الصعوبة بمكان تحديد أطره. لذلك فأن دراسة التطرف، من المواضيع الهامة والضرورية في المجتمع، وخاصة عندما نجد أن التطرف عامل مساعد في نشوء عدم التوافق والانحلال والتشتت وتمزيق الوحدة الاجتماعية في المجتمع الواحد، والطريق نحو الطائفية والمذهبية والقومية المقيتة، والانتماء إلى الجماعات المتطرفة، لاسيما ما شاهدناه في كثير من المجتمعات العربية وخصوصاً ما مره به بلدنا العزيز، من هنا أجد أهمية الموضوع والبحث عن حقيقة التطرف من خلال معرفة الاسباب ودوافع. ومن خلال القاء نظرة على آيات القرآن الكريم نجد أن هذه الظاهرة ليست نشاطاً بشرياً طارئاً أو ظاهرة مفاجئة، بل قديمة قدم الانسان فلم يخل زمن من الازمان أو عصر من العصور من شذوذ في تصرفات الناس وسلوكهم فرداً كان أم جماعةً بل وجد من يتمرد من المنفاقين على المجتمع الذي يعيشون فيه وذلك بالخروج على نظمه وقوانينه لأسباب وأهداف متعددة تسوغ لهم ما يقولون وما يفعلون لذا نجد أن هذه الظاهرة عاشت في أقدم الحضارات في العالم وحتى الآن منذ أقدم حادثة متطرفة ظهرت على وجه الأرض بين ابني آدم عليه السلام قابيل وهابيل كما يذكر القرآن الكريم وإلى وقتنا الحاضر وستبقى حتى يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها فهذه الظاهرة وجدت في أقدم المجتمعات البشرية وأعرق الحضارات وليست وليدة اليوم حتى ينسب الى مجتمع او دولة دون غيرها.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences الخطاب المعتدل واثره على التعايش السلمي في الفقه الاسلامي 2024-09-16T00:24:48+00:00 جمعة حسين علي ساجدة علاوي داود محمد فرحان عبيد النائلي عمار منصور عبد النبي علي عبود خضير عمار باسم صالح <p>One of the most important things that societies in the world are looking for is enhancing societal security between them and other peoples, which the research tried to highlight, and that religious discourse must focus on equality in rights and duties for every member of society. The research confirms that societal security is the will of the people of different religions and civilizations in order for security and peace to prevail and for humanity to live in an atmosphere of brotherhood and acquaintance that applies to all human beings without exception<strong>.</strong> The research highlighted a number of facts after the introductions that preceded it were addressed. The research clarified the importance of activating the rejection of extremism in society and the effective mechanism to reduce it. The concept of societal security is considered one of the modern concepts whose wording is not. The research showed that religious discourse is characterized by moderation, which is the lack of fanaticism towards a particular sect, but rather adopting what is beneficial from our Islamic heritage, and that rejecting extremism has an impact in establishing an important goal of Sharia law, which is preserving people’s minds from descending towards corrupt perceptions and deviant ideas<strong>.</strong> The research concluded that Islamic societal security is a necessary need, without which life would not be possible. Rather, it is the basis of security for societies in general, and it is the most important of them, and the basis of their existence and continuity, as it is an essential element in preserving the five necessities that Islamic law came to protect.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences اجراءات الحجز الاحتياطي في القانون العراقي والقانون القطري 2024-09-16T00:29:40+00:00 كوثر عطيه لفلوف <p>Precautionary seizure is a means to oblige the debtor to pay.&nbsp; The creditor resorts to it with the intention of wasting the debtor's opportunity to smuggle his money or dispose of it at the creditor's expense based on that.&nbsp; Seizure is regulated by its provisions and procedures in the Civil Procedure Law No. 83 of 1969 amended in Articles (231-250), and not executive seizure, the provisions of which are regulated by the Implementation Law, because precautionary seizure is placed in exchange for a debt: the subject of the dispute in which the judiciary has not spoken its word, and as for executive seizure&nbsp; It is a response to a judicial ruling that has acquired the degree of absoluteness, where the right in question is realized from existence, a certain amount at the time of performance, and does not conflict with public order and morals.&nbsp; The basic principle is that all of the debtor’s money is a guarantee for the performance of his debts, and the debtor’s will is not considered to prevent seizure of some of his money unless the law approves this.&nbsp; For purposes related to public order, humanitarian, economic or financial objectives.&nbsp; The precautionary seizure does not turn into an executive seizure except after all the elements of the executive seizure are fulfilled. Also, the notification of the lawsuit regarding the validity of the seizure does not include a warning to implement the executive seizure, and the executive confiscation does not become such until all its components are completed in accordance with what the law stipulates.&nbsp; It is considered the best way to preserve the debtor's money by keeping it under the control of the judiciary to collect the right to its price. The creditor also resorts to requesting the imposition of a precautionary seizure on the debtor's money to which he has a right.&nbsp; granted to him by law, and for execution requires a court order to confiscate every creditor in his possession with an official or ordinary bail, even if there is no document, or if the claim is something that can be proven by witnesses.&nbsp; The law took into account the interest of the debtor, so the investigator surrounded the precautionary seizure with several guarantees to prevent malicious seizures.&nbsp; Precautionary seizure is a precautionary measure and a precautionary measure issued by the judge based on a request from the creditor whose debt has become due for payment.&nbsp; The Qatari legislator stipulated in Article (317) of the Procedural Procedures Law that precautionary seizure is carried out in the above-mentioned cases by decision of the urgent matters judge whose jurisdiction falls on the funds to be seized or in any of the departments if the money is located in more than one department and the seizure request is rejected.&nbsp; automatically.&nbsp; In the event of a lack of local jurisdiction... it can be concluded from this article that the Qatari legislator made the issue of placing pretrial detention before the locally competent court an issue related to public order, contrary to the old procedural law.&nbsp; Pretrial detention is considered one of the important and dangerous procedures in the conduct of the criminal case, and one of the requirements of the investigation and a basic pillar in the preliminary investigation stage. Executive detention in Iraqi law in Article 8 of Iraqi Law No. (23) of 2005 stipulates that forced execution is not permissible except with an executive document in order to provide for the rights of&nbsp; Certain in its existence, specific in its edges, and specific in its amount and state of performance.&nbsp; Executive documents are judgments, decisions, judicial, statutory and Sharia orders, minutes of settlement and reconciliation ratified by regular and Sharia courts, enforceable arbitrators’ rulings, official and customary bonds, and other documents given this status by law.&nbsp; Then we find that precautionary seizure is better than executive seizure in Iraqi law<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences دور الصحابية نسيبة بنت كعب الانصارية في نصرة الاسلام 2024-09-16T00:34:52+00:00 حسين نعمة ابراهيم البوهلالة <p>الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا وقائدنا محمد وأهل بيته الأوصياء الخلفاء الصادقين وعلى أصحابه المرضيين.</p> <p>كلما يأخذ بنا الزمان والأيام تُسحق الحضارات والمبادئ والقيم والأخلاق الإلهية، ويكون الهجوم الثقافي الفكري الغربي أقوى شراسة وبفساد لا يتصور لإحياء الأمم الفاسدة السالفة بعبارات براقة لامعة خالية من أي محتوى، فسلخوا عقائد شبابنا الحقة وفكرهم الإلهي القرآني وضيّعوهم في متاهات حب الدنيا وشهواتها وزخرفها، وتناسوا القرآن الكريم المتجدد المتطور الحي مع كل عصر إلى يوم القيامة، وتناسوا السنة النبوية الشريفة التي تعيش مع كل انسان وفي كل عصر وتجدد مع الحضارات في كل عصر حتى يوم القيامة، وتناسوا أهل بيت النبوة الذين خصهم الله تعالى بخلافة الرسول ونص عليهم بالقرآن الكريم واحاديث النبي محمد(ص) الذين هم نور الله وخلفائه وحججه والأدلاء عليه.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences القراءة المتطرفة للنصوص في الديانات السماوية وملامح العنف والتطرف 2024-09-16T00:38:50+00:00 عباس القريشي حسين الزيادي <p>كثيرة هي الأطروحات الخاصة التى حققت وأطرت للسلوكيات العدوانية المتطرفة من النواحي القانونية والاجتماعية والنفسية، ولكن العنف الذي يتم اقترافه باسم مبادئ الاديان السماوية يبقى هو الأشد قسوة والأكثر تأثيرا ، لذلك نحن بحاجة ماسة إلى تفكيك الخطاب الديني المتطرف وتجزئة وفرز النصوص التي يرتكز عليها، لأن هذا النوع من القراءة يتحول الى ماكنة تحصد رؤوس الآخرين، وتستبيح حرماتهم باسم الدين، وحاشى للأخير ان يكون منطلقا للعنف والفتك والقسوة فالشرائع السماوية بشكل عام عبارة عن دعوات إصلاحية هدفها تحقيق السعادة فى الدنيا والآخرة، ولاشك ان الخطاب الديني المعتدل والقراءة السليمة للنصوص الدينية تسهم في نشر ثقافة السلام والتسامح والتعايش السلمي وتقبل الآخر، وهي من الأمور التي ندب إليها الإسلام في نصوصه وتشريعاته، وما نراه اليوم من مظاهر التعصب الدينى فى الأديان السماوية ظاهرة ناجمة عن تحريف النصوص أو حرفها عن مقاصدها الحقيقية أو لي أعناق النص الديني والأحاديث المقدسة لتحقيق أغراض ونوايا ورغبات من وضعها وأسس لها وبنى عليها.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences The Importance of Constitutional Interpretation in Establishing the Foundations of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 2024-09-28T16:34:07+00:00 شلال عواد سليم <p>This research addresses the significance of constitutional interpretation in enhancing fundamental rights and freedoms by examining methodologies for interpreting constitutional texts, such as the restrictive method that limits flexibility, the historical-social approach that seeks to understand historical contexts, and the evolving interpretation method that allows for the adaptation of rights to social transformations. In the second section, the focus is on the technical means of interpretation, divided into internal means, including preparatory works and historical sources, and external means represented by international declarations and democratic standards. The research highlights how each of these methodologies and means contributes to a comprehensive understanding of individual rights and ensures their protection within contemporary legal contexts.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences The recommendations of using incorporating climate change issues into educational curricula 2024-09-16T00:46:40+00:00 Assel Amer Hadi Nada Allawi Fadhil Hanan Kareem Saleem Nadia Mahmoud Tawfiq Jebril Sarah Hussein Hamzah Lina Mahmoud Tawfiq Jebril <p>Climate change represented by an increase in the average temperature beyond 1.5°C is a global problem in nature, so this topic must be engaged in interpretation as part of instruction and exploration in educational curricula (educational institutions and universities). Climate change education (CCE) is a critical retort to this issue. The 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report by UNESCO accentuates the impression of instruction on both environment modification vindication and revision, but despite this, numerous nations do not distinguish the standing of climate change education and do not invest significantly in it. Therefore, this review highlights the role of environment transformation tutoring in the education sector and provides solutions to the challenge of expanding climate change education by giving examples of how this can be integrated into every discipline in graduate school and academies.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences The contribution and challenges of water treatment in achieving the SDGs 2024-09-16T00:53:56+00:00 Wafaa Hufdhy Ajam Zahraa Hamid Mohan Al-Gawwam Basma Abdel Khaleq Eidan Lina Mahmoud Tawfiq Jebril Sarah Hussein Hamzah Nadia Mahmoud Tawfiq Jebril <p>In water treatment plants is critical to achieving the adopted sustainable development goals (SDGs) to increase water availability to have goals: SDG 1: no poverty, SDG 2: zero hunger, SDG 3: good health and wellbeing, SDG 4: quality education, SDG 5: gender equality, SDG 6: clean water and sanitation, SDG 7: affordable and clean energy, SDG 8: decent work and economic growth, SDG 9: industry, innovation, and infrastructure, SDG 11: sustainable cities and communities, SDG 12: responsible consumption and production, SDG 13: climate action, SDG 14: life below water, SDG 15: life land, SDG 16: peace,, justice and strong institution and SDG 17: partnerships for the goals. In this review, the possible achieving goals and the challenges that faced the plan anticipated to advance the involvement of the water management competence to the SDGs were outlined. This review highlights the substantial encouragement of water management in the United Nations' SDGs.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences Levels of media planning in the international community 2024-09-16T00:59:26+00:00 ALAA ADHAB BRlAH KARRAR RASHD QASM <p>In the second half of the twentieth century, the world witnessed an expansion towards science and planning in various aspects of life, which led to the necessity of thinking about communications planning as an integral part of this general development. This was evident in the use of communications as an essential tool within development and progress strategies. In the course of the development of this planning, communication experts believe that it passed through two main stages<strong>.</strong> The first stage is called partial communication planning, as societies in that period focused on using communications in partial plans to develop areas such as agricultural extension, expanding the scope and quality of government services, strengthening and improving education systems, developing mass means of communication, and expanding the scope and services of wired communications<strong>.</strong> As for the second stage, it is known as the comprehensive communication planning stage, where it deals with current and future events and transformations with all the capabilities and capabilities required, with the aim of achieving stability and development in societies.</p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences