متابعة الطلبة لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي للتعرف على الاحداث اليومية في العراق والاشباعات المتحققة منها (دراسة ميدانية لعينة من طلبة كلية الاعلام – جامعة بغداد انموذجآ )


  • Mohammed K. Majeed




The purpose of this research is to describe it, and the survey method is used to survey the target audience of the research, in order to identify the extent of the influence of social networking sites on university students in their exposure to daily events in Iraq and in order to come up with specific scientific conclusions that answer the research questions. The importance of the research depends on the widespread use of social media, which has become a vital part of people's lives. In fact, people are so accustomed to using these sites that they may become addicted at times. These sites also appeal to a wide range of age groups in different countries, especially students. Universities. The research required dividing it into three sections. The first section dealt with the methodological framework of the research, which included the research problem, its importance, objectives, and methodology, as well as the research community, its sample, and its fields. The second section dealt with the theoretical framework of the research, which included the concept of social networking sites, their types, motives, and effects. As for the third section, it was the field framework. For the research, which included how to present the results and how to interpret them.


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How to Cite

Majeed م. ك. . (2024). متابعة الطلبة لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي للتعرف على الاحداث اليومية في العراق والاشباعات المتحققة منها (دراسة ميدانية لعينة من طلبة كلية الاعلام – جامعة بغداد انموذجآ ). Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences, 3(2), 259–271. https://doi.org/10.56924/tasnim.9.2024/18