Legal Regulation of Physical Steroids Abuse in Bodybuilding


  • Samer Hameed Safer



Steroids, Hormones, Building, Law


Through this research, we tried to show the negative side in the use of sports steroids, especially in the sport of bodybuilding, which began to spread in a way that is difficult to control in many sports halls; because the illegal use of them began to go beyond the limits and spread among young people in a hidden way for all visitors to those halls without the presence of control by some of the owners of these halls and without the presence of legal provisions to deter it. Since most countries have relied on international conventions to regulate this matter, leaving the door open to the death of criminal accountability without the existence of explicit provisions criminalizing or punishing deterrent penalties, on the other hand, there are some other countries that have begun to believe in the need for accountability, although they are shy because they were limited to disciplinary sanctions, which are limited when the violation appears in sports events only and not at the level of personal use in those halls; we also tried in this research to indicate the designation The correct for this sport in light of the jurisprudential differences as we have shown the legal organization in Iraq, which unfortunately was limited to the adoption of international texts only and the consideration of international conventions as applicable as if they were internal legal texts that lack deterrent penalties.


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How to Cite

Safer س. ح. (2023). Legal Regulation of Physical Steroids Abuse in Bodybuilding. Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences, 2(2), 207–228.