الدور التنموي للتعايش في اشاعة روح التسامح


  • ليلى حسن محمد
  • مرتضى محمد حميد
  • احمد وحيد بردي




the modern concepts that were not known in our Islamic culture verbally, but its content is old, as sustainable development is a necessary need, life is not straight without it, but rather it is the basis of societies in general. Among research development is the process of establishing political institutions, their commitment to the democratic approach, and their availability of citizen participation in decision-making. The research showed that development is a continuous comprehensive or partial development process that takes different forms of well-being, stability and development in accordance with its social, intellectual and economic needs and capabilities.




How to Cite

محمد ل. ح., حميد م. م., & بردي ا. و. (2024). الدور التنموي للتعايش في اشاعة روح التسامح. Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences, 3(2), 246–255. https://doi.org/10.56924/tasnim.9.2024/17